The leader in veterinary shock wave technology
With over a decade of proven results, PulseVet’s high-energy focused sound wave technology is the only shock wave system backed by peer-reviewed and published clinical research.
The leader in veterinary shock wave technology
With over a decade of proven results, PulseVet’s high-energy focused sound wave technology is the only shock wave system backed by peer-reviewed and published clinical research.
Meet our portable and powerful shock wave system
PulseVet is a high-energy focused sound wave therapy system for animals. It is a non-invasive, non-surgical treatment that is used to relieve pain, reduce inflammation, and improve healing in a variety of conditions.
PulseVet Shock Wave System
Modern and user-friendly
Small and easy to use with features such as a swivel screen, BlueTooth operation, and preset treatment parameters for various indications.
Take the “sting” out of shock wave therapy
The X-Trode hand pieces have proprietary reflector geometry that flattens the energy distribution curve, allowing for more comfortable tratments.
Equine Trode Set
Custom penetration depths for treating multiple indications
Four sizes of PulseVet trode handpieces treat everything from superficial wounds to a deep tendon, ligament, or bone injury.
PulseVet Shock
Wave System
Wave System
Modern and user-friendly
Small and easy to use with features such as a swivel screen, BlueTooth operation, and preset treatment parameters for various indications.
Take the “sting” out of shock wave therapy
The X-Trode hand pieces have proprietary reflector geometry that flattens the energy distribution curve, allowing for more comfortable tratments.
Equine Trode Set
Custom penetration depths for treating multiple indications
Four sizes of PulseVet trode handpieces treat everything from superficial wounds to a deep tendon, ligament, or bone injury.
Meet our portable and powerful shock wave system
PulseVet is a high-energy focused sound wave therapy system for animals. It is a non-invasive, non-surgical treatment that is used to relieve pain, reduce inflammation, and improve healing in a variety of conditions.
Find local veterinarians who offer PulseVet therapy
Learn how PulseVet is different
Not all shock waves are created equal. Learn how the PulseVet shock wave is different.
Shock wave therapy: a safe and effective option for pain relief
Shock wave is a noninvasive, high-energy sound wave treatment commonly used in human and veterinary medicine. Benefits include:
- Non-invasive: no cutting or incisions involved, making it a safe and comfortable treatment
- Effective: shown to be effective in relieving pain, reducing inflammation, and improving healing.
- Safe: a well-tolerated, sedation-free treatment
- Convenient: can be administered in a veterinarian’s office or stable, making it convenient and accessible
“For elbow cases, PulseVet shock wave is my top choice. It’s easy, quick and the owners can take their pet home right away since they aren’t sedated. I find the patients are a lot more comfortable after a shock wave treatment and I can do a lot more with them earlier in their rehabilitation compared to if I was just using laser or therapeutic ultrasound.”
Dr. Carolina Medina, DVM, DACVSMR, CVA, CVCH, CVPP
Past-President AARV“PulseVet has the science behind it that I was looking for. I have worked with several clinicians throughout my training who have used PulseVet over the years and seen the results with my own eyes. So it was very obvious to me that it was what I needed for my practice.”
Jennell Appel, DVM, CCRT
SportVet Canine Rehabilitation and Sports Medicineust“PulseVet has been with us for, what is it, 20 years now, and we trust the company. The research that we’ve seen has all been done with the PulseVet equipment. Love the new X Trode that allows our rehab clients, who often don’t want to do much sedation, to be able to treat the patients without adding any drugs.”
Janet Van Dyke, DVM
Canine Rehabilitation Institute“We use PulseVet because the electrohydraulic technology has basically become the background to what we’re doing. Whether we’re looking on the human side, the small animal side, or the equine side, the electrohydraulic and the PulseVet equipment are the state-of-the-art equipment that we’re utilizing.”
Scott McClure, DVM
Midwest Equine Boone, IA“We were having to perform the PiezoWave shockwave treatments weekly to maintain pain management while we can perform two PulseVet treatments to improve patient outcomes for 3-6 months!”
Carly Hubbard, DVM
Animalia Health & Wellness Franklin, TN“I feel like there’s more precision with the PulseVet product. I trust the research and the backing behind it. We’re currently working on a research project looking at the effect of Shockwave for barrel racing horses with IPH. One horse in particular, a really nice and expensive horse that they were about to give up on because they couldn’t get it to stop bleeding, has had a complete turnaround. That horse is back competing and winning rodeos.”
Beau Whitaker DVM
Brazos Valley Equine Hospital Salado, TX“Pulsevet shock wave is my top choice for use in my sport horse practice based in Wellington, Florida. It has been proven to accelerate tissue healing & shorten recovery time. An added bonus-it’s made in the USA! Pulsevet is a proud supporter of our United States Equestrian Teams. It is a great addition to my practice.”
Kimberly D. Snyder, DVM
FEI Official Veterinary Delegate Level 4, FEI Official Testing Veterinarian, FEI Permitted Treating Veterinarian, US PARA Equestrian Team Veterinarian“I probably use PulseVet several times a week several times a week on most of our sport horses that have been diagnosed with hind limb proximal suspensory desmopathy… In my hands it has been highly efficacious in both pain modulation and aiding in the manifestation of healing of those proximal suspensory injuries. Most of those horses do very well in response to that therapy.”
Melissa King, DVM
Equine Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation Colorado State University“PulseVet has definitely raised the quality of care we offer our patients while generating additional revenue for the clinic!”
Vava Hooper, DVM
Animal Hospital of Centerton“I strive to provide a stress-free visit to all my patients, and originally, I was very interested in this modality, but had reservations on the sound, and how patients would react to it. However, since adopting the PulseVet, I have found that it is very well tolerated. I have been very pleased with the PulseVet.”
Amber Greycarek, DVM, CVA, CVFT, CTPEP, CVTP
Kronenwetter Veterinary Care Kronenwetter, WI“We’re very happy and are amazed at how much we use the PulseVet device! I’ve been treating several shoulder cases for bicipital/supraspinatus tendinopathy…Dr. Keats treated a cat with metacarpal fracture too, we keep finding more cases for it!”
Care Surgery Center Glendale, AZ“I routinely see significant improvement in the pain level of my patients after the first treatment. By the third treatment, the vast majority of my patients are back to normal. If I detect a groin strain during my exam process, PulseVet is my ‘go-to’ treatment option.”
David Knox, MS, DVM, CCRP, CVA
Companion Animal Health & Rehabilitation Center Escondido, CA“The pets we have treated are doing great, which makes the pet owners happy, and we have been able to get some of the pets off pain medications.”
Tim Holloway, DVM
Focused Pet Care Jacksonville, FL“The promise of a shock wave device that efficiently and effectively allows us to treat sources of chronic pain in these patients without sedation was too great for us to pass up, and we’ve been very pleased with our decision.”
Heather Misener DVM, CVAT, CCRT
Companion Animal Health & Rehabilitation Center Escondido, CA“A dog owner visited our center as a last hope with her German shepherd, with severe hyperflexion of the carpus and metatarsal area, due to a flexor tendon injury. The owner was very grateful we thought outside the box and were willing to help. He is currently almost normal and doing exercises to get back to a normal life.”
Alberto Rullan, DVM
Equine Performance Innovative Center Ocala, FL“In less than a year, we have already nearly broke even with its cost. It has been an excellent revenue stream and we have received several referrals from other veterinarians for it.”
Jaclyn M. Coble, DVM, CCRP, CVA
Sea Legs Integrative Veterinary Health Roxbury, MA“Unlike the other devices that are collecting dust in a storage room, PulseVet is being used daily due to our doctors and staff seeing great patient outcomes in both Equine and Small Animal patients.”
Donna France – Practice Manager
Pea Ridge Veterinary Clinic Pea Ridge, AR“PulseVet is the most profitable tool that I use…it is so well utilized in the equine industry that is almost rare for an equine veterinarian to not know about it. I use it on my patients all the time. I do way more total body shockwave than anyone else.”
Pam Nichols, DVM, CCRP CFI
Director, Zomedica Board of Directors“I initially was interested in PulseVet shock wave technology because of the reported benefits in bone fracture healing and TPLO osteotomy healing. I had also checked with a friend, who is an orthopedic surgeon, and he is a fan of the therapy. I was able to compare TPLO healing time on 2 patients who had one knee repaired before I brought in PulseVet, and one knee repaired after using PulseVet therapy and both returned to function significantly sooner when using PulseVet. They also had shorter osteotomy healing time compared to the first leg. I have been using Laser therapy for several years and it does still have its place for superficial and acute cases, but when dealing with chronic pain/injuries/wounds and bone healing I find myself reaching for the PulseVet more frequently.
Patrick Sexton, DVM
Sexton Animal Health Center Ruston, LA“It takes just a couple minutes at a time, is non-invasive and best of all is not another pharmaceutical to put in their system.”
Dana Novara, DVM
Urban Paw Veterinary Health & Rehabilitation Denver, CO“The addition of PulseVet X-trode shockwave to mOcean mobility + wellness for animals has been a game changer! This is my first line modality for elbow osteoarthritis and soft tissue injuries, especially those stubborn iliopsoas and supraspinatus tendinopathies. I love that PulseVet is backed by research and does not require sedation. Our clients love that treatment is only every two weeks and pets are typically feeling much better just after the first treatment. ”
Kristal Turner, DVM, CVA, CCRT, Owner
mOcean Mobility + Wellness For Animals Jax Beach, FL“The shockwave machine has helped many dogs avoid CCL surgery and heal faster after fractures. It’s also become a standard protocol for our arthritic patients to help improve their quality of life and decrease pain. It’s been a huge successful with our patients and another tool for our rehab team! “
Samantha Amodeo D.C., CCRP
West Toledo Animal Hospital Toledo, OH“As a surgery only clinic, we prioritize staying on the cutting edge of the technology
available to us. When we heard about Shockwave therapy, we had to have it. We now use it
on every ortho surgery and include it in our flat rate pricing. It speeds up the overall
healing process. I hesitated to write this review as this is an amazing product that helps
stay ahead of our peers.“
Patricia Simon, DVM, MPH, DACVPM
Simon Veterinary Surgical Sherman Oaks, CA“Since adding PulseVet 6 months ago, we have uncovered many novel uses for shockwave, beyond the traditional musculoskeletal indications. Working with Zomedica’s sales, marketing, and professional services veterinary departments, we have uncovered the truly outstanding benefits for profound results with soft tissue and wound healing treatments. In only one or two 2- minute treatments, we have been able to completely heal lick granulomas, degloving wounds, non-healing open wounds and recently, a rodent ulcer in a feline patient, the first total true healing of such a wound ever, in my experience. Since adding PulseVet to our practice, it has become our main modality in our arsenal of integrative and traditional approaches to cure, heal and relieve pain in our patients. We look forward to continuing our true partnership with Zomedica and with their support and the nothing less than our clients’ being delighted with the efficacy, comfort and speed in which their pets are healed."
Dominick, Gucciardo, DVM, CVA
Integrative Veterinary Therapies, P.C. Ridge, NY“I find that my postoperative knee patients bear weight a bit quicker when they receive shockwave at the time of surgery. Occasionally we get postoperative complications such as patellar tendinopathy, iliopsoas muscle strains, and even fractures of the tibial tuberosity. Shockwave therapy is extremely helpful in all of these cases. Treatment used to consist of just rest and more NSAIDs, but now we have an active, therapeutic way to treat these issues.
It took a while for the staff to get used to the “new” therapy, but everyone got trained easily and became comfortable performing the treatments quickly. I prescribe the area of treatment and dose, and they take care of the rest. I also treat shoulder tendinopathies and lumbosacral pain with the PulseVet. It has expanded my practice and provides alternatives to surgery in some cases. The machine more than pays for itself each month.”
Elizabeth Rawson, DVM, DACVS
Broward Veterinary Hollywood, FL“We’re very happy and are amazed at how much we use the PulseVet device! I’ve been treating several shoulder cases for bicipital/supraspinatus tendinopathy, Dr. Keats has an arthrodesis case he’s treating to help bone healing, Dino may never heal but it is what it is (owners bought an orthosis), Dr. Keats treated a cat with metacarpal fracture too, we keep finding more cases for it!”
Care Surgery Center Glendale, AZ“Our experience with the original PulseVet speaks volumes about its enduring quality and reliability. Even after years of use, it continues to perform flawlessly without any need for maintenance.”
Cooper Williams, DVM
Equine Sports Medicine of Maryland“PulseVet Shockwave has been a great addition to my rehab-focused practice. It has proven to be highly effective for both acute and chronic presentations. It is well tolerated by my patients and the results have been amazing!“
Cleveland Veterinary Rehabilitation Willoughby Hills, OH“As an ambulatory practice, upgrading from the Versatron to the PulseVet shockwave has allowed us to provide more timely and frequent shockwave treatments for our patients due to the smaller size of the system. The ability to have it on our trucks in the field at all times alleviates the need for a future appointment to initiate treatment. This has resulted in more rapid patient improvement and better treatment outcomes, as well as less cluttered appointment schedules. We could not be happier with our choice to upgrade.”
Greggory S. Bell, DVM
Centennial Equine Sports Medicine“Numerous patients have gone from daily NSAID use and weekly PSGAG injections to no medications at all using PulseVet therapy. In our equine practice, we have used the device on patients with fibrotic myopathy, tendon injuries and chronic wounds, all with tremendous results.”
Ty Smallwood, DVM/Owner
Siloam Springs Veterinary Clinic & Ravenwood Veterinary Clinic Siloam Springs, AR“I use PulseVet because of the science, the research, and the people. The people that back the machine have always been there for me.”
Brad Cumper, DVM
Saginaw Valley Equine Clinic Saginaw, MI
“I have been a PulseVet customer for the last 5 years and have used my machine extensively over that time. The machine has held up beautifully without any issues. While I’ve been more than happy with the results of the machine, the exemplary customer service and communication sets this company apart. It’s been a pleasure to be their customer and I plan to continue the relationship for years to come.”
Kate Stephenson BVM&S, MRCVS
KBS Performance Horse Services Ocala, FL“I have been a PulseVet customer for the last 5 years and have used my machine extensively over that time. The machine has held up beautifully without any issues. It’s been a pleasure to be their customer and I plan to continue the relationship for years to come.”
Courtney Calnan
Zomedica Senior Product Manager
“I use shockwave as a daily modality to treat horses that have shoulder girdle region problems and head shaking syndrome. The results I get with PulseVet are priority over any of the other shockwaves that I’ve used.”
Audrey DeClue, DVM
DeClue Equine Ocala, FL“We rarely go a day without using our shockwave in the field. Late on Friday afternoon our NeoVet became inoperable. Zomedica overnighted a replacement part for the NeoVet over a holiday weekend. Unfortunately, this did not fix the NeoVet. Based upon the high caliber of customer service provided by Zomedica we moved forward with upgrading or broken NeoVet to PulseVet.
While we were happy with our NeoVet, the PulseVet system is providing to be superior in all functionalities. With the exemplary service Zomedica constantly provides, we are confident this segment of our business will continue to generate growth and profitability in future years”
Matt Lampe, DVM
Absolute Equine Mobile Practice
“We are happy to incorporate the PulseVet Shock Wave System as part of our treatment protocol to keep our equine patients performing their best. We have found that it helps keep our patients comfortable by reducing pain and aiding in recovery.”
Kira Binder, Practice Manager
Watermark Equine“The equine sports medicine veterinarian is faced with daily challenges when choosing treatments/therapies for conditions that affect equine performance. The PulseVet Shockwave provides not only proven and effective ways to treat osteoarthritis, soft tissue injuries, back pain and many other indications, but also the convenience of using equipment that is small enough to be transported easily into the field. Its non-invasive technology allows me to treat conditions where medications would not be allowed due to drug rules. PulseVet Shockwave gives me an edge keeping my patients performing at their best.”
Dr. Gustavo De Cillo – DVM/Owner
De Cillo Equine Clinic Hempstead, TX“We routinely use PulseVet Shock Wave therapy in my practice for the treatment or management of multiple acute or chronic conditions because is a proven, non invasive modality, that delivers the treatment in a matter of minutes and is well tolerated by the horse. Certain desmitis, tendonitis or arthritis can be successfully managed alone or in conjunction with Orthobiologics with shock wave therapy. Portability is another plus of this equipment as it can be fit in our vet trucks allowing us to perform stall site treatment to our patients”
Jose R. Castro, DVM
Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Surgeons Equine Surgeon, Lameness, Acupuncture & Chiropractic Specialties“My only regret was waiting as long as I did to make the trade. Kept telling myself, why trade in something that works perfectly fine, not realizing how much easier the Pulsevet would be to use. Much easier to haul from the clinic to the field as well as taking up much less space in the truck. It’s a no brainer.”
Don Scott Vrono, DVM
Southern California Equine VeterinariansPulseVet On Social Media
This winter has been nonstop for our equine team!🐎 Led by Trudy Gage, Vice President of Equine Sales & Client Education, we’ve traveled coast to coast—from Lake Tahoe to Ocala, Wellington, and Orlando—connecting with top equine veterinarians and supporting leading continuing education events.
Not all shock wave is the same—when proven results matter, ask for PulseVet by name. Thank you to everyone who stopped by—we look forward to seeing you at the next event! #PulseVetShockWave
#eswt #pulsevet #shockwave #zomedica #zom #horsevet #equinemedicine #horsemedicine #florida #vetmed #wednesday #humpday #equinevet #equineveterinarian
This winter has been nonstop for our equine team!🐎 Led by Trudy Gage, Vice President of Equine Sales & Client Education, we’ve traveled coast to coast—from Lake Tahoe to Ocala, Wellington, and Orlando—connecting with top equine veterinarians and supporting leading continuing education events.
Not all shock wave is the same—when proven results matter, ask for PulseVet by name. Thank you to everyone who stopped by—we look forward to seeing you at the next event! #PulseVetShockWave
#eswt #pulsevet #shockwave #zomedica #zom #horsevet #equinemedicine #horsemedicine #florida #vetmed #wednesday #humpday #equinevet #equineveterinarian
🌟 PulseVet Therapy: Revolutionizing Vet Medicine Worldwide! 🐾
Check out @medicalvetbrasil as they demonstrate the incredible impact of PulseVet shock wave in their practice:
“Shock wave is a resource for treating musculoskeletal conditions in small and large animals. Shockwave therapy has a chondroprotective, anti-inflammatory effect and promotes analgesia.”
📽️ See it in action and learn why veterinarians everywhere trust PulseVet therapy for better patient outcomes! 💡 #PulseVet #ShockwaveTherapy #VetMed
#eswt #pulsevetshockwave #equinevet #horsevet #vetmedicine #shockwavetherapy #shockwave #mattmillsreining #yellowstonetv
🌟 PulseVet Therapy: Revolutionizing Vet Medicine Worldwide! 🐾
Check out @medicalvetbrasil as they demonstrate the incredible impact of PulseVet shock wave in their practice:
“Shock wave is a resource for treating musculoskeletal conditions in small and large animals. Shockwave therapy has a chondroprotective, anti-inflammatory effect and promotes analgesia.”
📽️ See it in action and learn why veterinarians everywhere trust PulseVet therapy for better patient outcomes! 💡 #PulseVet #ShockwaveTherapy #VetMed
#eswt #pulsevetshockwave #equinevet #horsevet #vetmedicine #shockwavetherapy #shockwave #mattmillsreining #yellowstonetv
What do you do when your champion athletes are sidelined by injury? 🤔Dr. Melissa King found her answer: "I probably use [PulseVet shock wave] several times a week on most of our sport horses that have been diagnosed with hind limb proximal suspensory desmopathy….In my hands it has been highly efficacious in both pain modulation and aiding in the manifestation of healing of those proximal suspensory injuries. Most of those horses do very well in response to [PulseVet] therapy."
Innovation that keeps champions running! 🏇#passionmeetsperformance #ESWT
#EquineMedicine #SportHorseRecovery #VetTechnology #equinevet #equineveterinarian #horsevet #pulsevetshockwave #shockwavetherapy #pulsevet
What do you do when your champion athletes are sidelined by injury? 🤔Dr. Melissa King found her answer: "I probably use [PulseVet shock wave] several times a week on most of our sport horses that have been diagnosed with hind limb proximal suspensory desmopathy….In my hands it has been highly efficacious in both pain modulation and aiding in the manifestation of healing of those proximal suspensory injuries. Most of those horses do very well in response to [PulseVet] therapy."
Innovation that keeps champions running! 🏇#passionmeetsperformance #ESWT
#EquineMedicine #SportHorseRecovery #VetTechnology #equinevet #equineveterinarian #horsevet #pulsevetshockwave #shockwavetherapy #pulsevet
Did you know that just ONE PulseVet treatment can offer pets significant, long-term relief? 😮 In Zomedica`s latest webinar, Dr. Jessica Brunch dives into effective management strategies for Canine Lumbosacral Disease. Discover how advanced technologies like PulseVet shock wave therapy can enhance outcomes and improve quality of life for LS patients.
💻 Watch the full webinar now #linkinbio
#VeterinaryMedicine #CanineHealth #VetEducation #VetMed #ContinuingEducation #pulsevet #pulsevetshockwave #shockwave #eswt #shockwavetherapy #zomedica #zom #thursday #thursdaythoughts #vetmed #veterinariansofig
Did you know that just ONE PulseVet treatment can offer pets significant, long-term relief? 😮 In Zomedica`s latest webinar, Dr. Jessica Brunch dives into effective management strategies for Canine Lumbosacral Disease. Discover how advanced technologies like PulseVet shock wave therapy can enhance outcomes and improve quality of life for LS patients.
💻 Watch the full webinar now #linkinbio
#VeterinaryMedicine #CanineHealth #VetEducation #VetMed #ContinuingEducation #pulsevet #pulsevetshockwave #shockwave #eswt #shockwavetherapy #zomedica #zom #thursday #thursdaythoughts #vetmed #veterinariansofig
Don`t just take our word for it. There`s a reason the top trainers, owners, and riders only trust PulseVet shock wave to keep their equine athletes feeling and performing their best all season. The PulseVet system is the ONLY shock wave technology backed by clinical, published research - and we`re beyond proud to be the official Shock Wave therapy of top equine associations around the country.
When #ResultsMatter, reach for #PulseVet!
#eswt #pulsevetshockwave #mattmillsreining #mattmills #yellowstonetv #ncha #nrcha #aqha #usequestrian #horseowner #horsevet #equinevet
Don`t just take our word for it. There`s a reason the top trainers, owners, and riders only trust PulseVet shock wave to keep their equine athletes feeling and performing their best all season. The PulseVet system is the ONLY shock wave technology backed by clinical, published research - and we`re beyond proud to be the official Shock Wave therapy of top equine associations around the country.
When #ResultsMatter, reach for #PulseVet!
#eswt #pulsevetshockwave #mattmillsreining #mattmills #yellowstonetv #ncha #nrcha #aqha #usequestrian #horseowner #horsevet #equinevet
PulseVet Shock Wave was honored to join Purina Performance Horse at the 2024 NFR last week in Las Vegas!
Stream the Purina Pre-Game Show featuring Trudy Gage, our VP of Equine Sales & Client Education at the link in our bio.
PulseVet Shock Wave was honored to join Purina Performance Horse at the 2024 NFR last week in Las Vegas!
Stream the Purina Pre-Game Show featuring Trudy Gage, our VP of Equine Sales & Client Education at the link in our bio.
Standing room only at Dr. Whitaker’s lecture on his latest research to kick off AAEP!
Have you heard? PulseVet Shock Wave now treating EQUINE ASTHMA!
Be sure to attend our lectures tomorrow with Dr. Audrey DeClue and Dr. Katarzyna Dembek from 10:30-11:30am at Product Demo Theater 1!
#aaephorsedocs #aaep #equinepractitioner #equineasthma #equineresearch #aaeporlando #horsedoctor #vetlife #equinelameness #shockwave #equineendocrinology
Standing room only at Dr. Whitaker’s lecture on his latest research to kick off AAEP!
Have you heard? PulseVet Shock Wave now treating EQUINE ASTHMA!
Be sure to attend our lectures tomorrow with Dr. Audrey DeClue and Dr. Katarzyna Dembek from 10:30-11:30am at Product Demo Theater 1!
#aaephorsedocs #aaep #equinepractitioner #equineasthma #equineresearch #aaeporlando #horsedoctor #vetlife #equinelameness #shockwave #equineendocrinology
The 70th Annual AAEP Convention is here! Visit our Zomedica and PulseVet team at booth #1289 for our latest developments in point-of-care insulin testing, electrohydraulic shock wave for treating equine asthma, and more!
Also view our new animation video on “The Shocking Difference,” which explores the differences between shock wave generators.
#aaeporlando #aaephorsedocs #equinepractitioner #horsedoctor #equineveterinarian #aaep
The 70th Annual AAEP Convention is here! Visit our Zomedica and PulseVet team at booth #1289 for our latest developments in point-of-care insulin testing, electrohydraulic shock wave for treating equine asthma, and more!
Also view our new animation video on “The Shocking Difference,” which explores the differences between shock wave generators.
#aaeporlando #aaephorsedocs #equinepractitioner #horsedoctor #equineveterinarian #aaep
AAEP is the ultimate gathering for equine veterinary excellence.
Stop by booth #1289 to discover cutting-edge innovations in PulseVet Shock Wave and point-of-care endocrine testing as well as details for our Lecture Series & AAEVT Wet Lab.
Connect with industry leaders and experience the future of veterinary medicine. Our team can’t wait to see you!
#aaeporlando #aaep #veterinarytechnician #vettechlife #vetmedworld #equinepractitioner #shockwavetherapy #equinevet #equineathlete #pointofcare #veterinaryresearch #equineresearch #horsedocs
AAEP is the ultimate gathering for equine veterinary excellence.
Stop by booth #1289 to discover cutting-edge innovations in PulseVet Shock Wave and point-of-care endocrine testing as well as details for our Lecture Series & AAEVT Wet Lab.
Connect with industry leaders and experience the future of veterinary medicine. Our team can’t wait to see you!
#aaeporlando #aaep #veterinarytechnician #vettechlife #vetmedworld #equinepractitioner #shockwavetherapy #equinevet #equineathlete #pointofcare #veterinaryresearch #equineresearch #horsedocs
Join the conversation at AAEP!
Don’t miss our exclusive lecture series featuring top experts in the veterinary field, sharing the latest insights on electrohydraulic shock wave therapy and point-of-care endocrine testing for equine health.
📍 Visit Booth #1289 for more details. We can’t wait to connect with you this weekend!
#EquineHealth #VeterinaryMedicine #ShockWaveTherapy #Electrohydraulic #vetlife #aaep #veterinaryvisionaries #veterinaryeducation #veterinaryorthopedics
Join the conversation at AAEP!
Don’t miss our exclusive lecture series featuring top experts in the veterinary field, sharing the latest insights on electrohydraulic shock wave therapy and point-of-care endocrine testing for equine health.
📍 Visit Booth #1289 for more details. We can’t wait to connect with you this weekend!
#EquineHealth #VeterinaryMedicine #ShockWaveTherapy #Electrohydraulic #vetlife #aaep #veterinaryvisionaries #veterinaryeducation #veterinaryorthopedics
Join Dr. Beau Whitaker tonight, Dec 4, at 7 PM EST for an insightful webinar on “Treating Equine Asthma and EIPH Using Shock Wave Therapy.”
Can’t attend tonight? You can still catch Dr. Whitaker sharing on this topic at AAEP this Sunday at 10:30 AM. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights from a leading expert!
Join Dr. Beau Whitaker tonight, Dec 4, at 7 PM EST for an insightful webinar on “Treating Equine Asthma and EIPH Using Shock Wave Therapy.”
Can’t attend tonight? You can still catch Dr. Whitaker sharing on this topic at AAEP this Sunday at 10:30 AM. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights from a leading expert!
Curious to learn more about the differences between electrohydraulic shock wave and other modalities? Visit us at Booth #1289 at AAEP’s 70th Annual Convention this weekend, starting Dec 8!
#aaep #vetlife #vetmed #equinepractice #veterinarypractice #aaephorsedocs #electrohydraulic #eswt #shockwavetherapy